Seminar Topics for Computer Science (CSE) with ppt and report: As technology is emerging day by day. new technologies are coming quickly. And Seminar topics for Computer Science are becoming must find for every student. There are lots of students in Computer Science and Engineering who need quick seminar topics for CSE with ppt and report.

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 Seminar Topics for Computer Science with ppt and report

Technical Seminar Topics for CSE with Abstract

3D Printing

3D Printing is the process to develop a 3D printed object with the help of additive processes. Here, there are three-dimensional objects created by a 3D printer using depositing materials as per the digital model available on the system.

4G Technology

4G Technology can be defined as the fourth generation communication system that let users use broadband type speed without any need for Wi-Fi. It is simply called an advanced level radio system that makes the system efficient and quicker. Over the years, it has become an important part of people’s lives globally.

5 Pen PC Technology

5 Pen PC Technology is simply a cluster of gadget that comes with a great sort of features. It includes a virtual keyboard, projector, personal ID key, a pen-shaped mobile phone, and a camera scanner. Using this technology, an crystal clear digital copy of handwritten details can be created.


Android is an operating system created mainly for smartphone and tablets. It is a brilliant technology that allows the users to perform a variety of functions like using GPS for checking traffic areas, etc. Android is the mastermind behind everything ranging from top tablets to 5G phones.


AppleTalk is a networking protocol used in Mac computer systems and devices for making communication. It was originally introduced in 1984 by Apple and get replaced by TCP/IP in 2009 with the release of macOS X v10.6.

Blackberry Technology

Blackberry Technology is an integrated e-mail system provided by the Blackberry company in their handheld devices. Here, there is a unique PIN provided to every phone for identifying the device. This technology can even get accessed in an offline area without any need for wireless service.


Bluejacking is a technique used by hackers to send messages to a different user with the help of Bluetooth connection. The most common use of this technology is sending unwanted images, text messages or sounds to other Bluetooth equipment in the network range.

Blue-ray Disc

Blu-Ray is an high-definition disc format that let the users see images with extreme level depth, detail, and color. It was released in 2006 as a successor to DVD for improving the experience of the users. This type of discs streams data at 36 megabits per second that is much fast than a DVD.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an advanced method for delivering resources by utilizing the internet. This technology has made it possible to access their resources by saving them to a remote database. It eliminates the burden to store files on an external device.


CAD/CAM is well-known software whose main motive is to simply the design and machining process. It is simply collaboration between computers and machines that make the job of the designers as well as manufacturers easier. It is created after decades of research and testing process.


Cryptography is simply a technique for transforming the basic text into unintelligible ones and vice-versa. This amazing process not only gives protection to the data from online theft but also utilized for the user authentication process. It is used commonly in banking and e-commerce industry in various countries globally.


CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a special architecture whose main job is explaining a unique mechanism for better distribution of objects over a certain network. It let them make communication with each other without any platform and language boundary. This specification created by Object Management Group.

Geographic Information System

GIS fully abbreviated as Geographic Information System is an approach that collects, operate, and analyze data in the framework. There are many types of data integrated by this system along with the spatial location. Apart from that, there is lots of information that further visualized with the help of maps and 3D scenes.

Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is a crime form where the computer is utilized as a weapon. It includes things like spamming, hacking, phishing, etc. On top of that, computers are used for stealing personal data of individuals in these types of crimes. Despite the advancement in technology, the frequency of cyber crimes is increasing every year.

Computer Forensics

Computer Forensics is a technique that involve investigation and analysis processes for collecting and saving important pieces of evidence from certain computing equipment. The main use of these data is to present a strong case in the court of law. This process is performed by Forensic Computer Analysts.

Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing is a technique for gathering and controlling data from a great sort of resources with a motive to give useful insights on the business. This technology is used for connecting and analyzing business data so that it gets available to the businesses within a short time.

Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System is a special application package whose main motive is defining, manipulating, and controlling data. Due to this process, the developers no longer need to frame programs to maintain data. There are many fourth-generation query languages available on the internet for better interaction in a database.

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Direct Memory Access is a computing technique used for the transfer of data from RAM in a computer to a different area in the system without CPU processing. In simple words, its main duty is to transfer or get data to or from main memory so that memory operations become faster.

Digital Watermarking

Digital Watermarking is an extensive technique for embedding data into different types of digital forms. It includes audio, video, images, and other similar objects. The majority of digital devices can easily read and detect digital watermarks by validating the original content.

Domain Name System (DNS)

The Domain Name System (DNS) can simply be called phonebook that comes with the information of domain names location is stored for further translation into IP addresses. In simple words, it translates the domain names into IP addresses allowing browsers to load resources on the internet.

Distributed Systems

A distributed system can be called a cluster of computer systems that work in collaboration with each other to look like as a single entity to the end-user. All the computers in the system are connected through a distribution middleware. The main purpose of this system is sharing various resources to the users with a single network.


A nanoparticle is a material used for making computer hardware components with a motive to boost the density of solid-state memory. The complete process is performed by followed a process known with the name of nanotechnology. It let the memory consume low power along with reducing chances of failure.


SCADA is a computer technology used for collecting and checking real-time data. It is fully abbreviated as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. The main purpose of this application can be founded in the telecommunications, energy, gas refining, and transportation industry.


LAN (Local Area Network) is a cluster of network devices that are connected with each other in the same building. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) performs the same job but covers a large area than LAN like a city or town. WAN (Wide Area Network) covers a bigger area than both LAN and MAN.

Black Hole

A black hole is a fascinating object that is located in outer space. They have a very dense nature and a pretty solid gravitational attraction that even light can’t grasp after coming closer to them. Its existence was predicted first by Albert Einstein in 1916.

Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS)

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a DOS attack that includes a variety of compromised systems. It is often related to the Trojan which is a common form of malware. It includes attackers who transmit data to enjoy vulnerabilities harming the business systems.

E-ball Technology

E-Ball is a sphere-shaped computer system that comes with all features of a traditional computer but has a very smaller size. It even comes with a large screen display along with mouse and keyboard. It is designed in such a way that portability gets a great boost.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning is a business modular software that created for integration of major functional areas in the business processes of the company in a unified area. It comes with core software components that are known as modules targeting major areas in businesses that include production, finance, accounting, and many more.

Extreme Programming (EP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development process whose main mission is creating top-quality software matching needs of clients. It is pretty useful where there are software requirements that change on a dynamic basis. Also, this methodology is used in areas where risks result from fixed time projects

Biometric Security System

Biometric Security is a well-known security system that mainly utilized for authenticating and giving access to the company for verification of a person’s characteristics instantly. It is one of the most powerful techniques used for identity verification in various countries globally.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a detailed specification that shows the way a program interact with an HTTP server. It works as a middleware between external databases and WWW servers. There are particular information and formatting processes performed by CGI software for WWW servers.

Carbon Nano Technology

The carbon nanotechnology is a process to control atom assembly of molecules at certain dimensions. The main material used for this process is Carbon nanobeads.

Middleware Technologies

The middleware technologies are an application that used making a connection between network requests created by a client for back-end data requested by them. It is a very common software used in the software world in both complexes as well as existing programs.

Invisibility Cloaks

Invisibility Cloaks also known as a clocking device is a method for steering light waves near a material to make it look invisible. There is a great role played by the viewer’s eyes and the instrument used on the level of visibility.

Computer Peripheral

A computer peripheral is a device whose main job is adding information and instructions in the system for storing and then transferring the process data to the user or a device that comes under the system’s administration. Some common examples of a computer peripheral are a printer, scanner, mouse, and keyboard.

Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is an advanced level technology using which the mobile phone subscribers can change their cellular operator without changing their number. It was launched in Singapore about two decades ago, but since then expanded to almost every country across the globe. The complete process to change operator is very customer-friendly and easier.


HTML fully abbreviated as Hypertext Markup Language is a computer language that is mainly used for creating paragraphs, headings, links, blockquotes, and sections in a web page or applications. However, it isn’t a programming language and doesn’t come with the desired features for developing dynamic functionality.

Technical Seminar Topics for CSE

  1. ChatGPT
  2. Blue Brain
  3. IP Spoofing
  4. Mobile Phone Cloning
  5. Bluetooth Technology
  6. Mobile Computing
  7. Pill Camera
  8. Human Computer Interface
  9. Software Testing
  10. Braingate
  11. Data Mining
  12. 3G-vs-WiFi
  13. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  14. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
  15. Biochips
  16. Wireless Mesh Network
  17. Digital Light Processing
  18. Distributed Computing
  19. Magisk Manager
  20. Night Vision Technology
  21. Wireless Application Protocol
  22. 4G Wireless System
  23. Artificial Eye
  24. Asynchronous Chips
  25. Futex
  26. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
  27. Wireless Communication
  28. Agent Oriented Programming
  29. Autonomic Computing
  30. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
  31. iPhone
  32. Interferometric Modulator (IMOD)
  33. Microsoft Surface
  34. Cryptography and Network Security
  35. Hadoop
  36. 5G Technology
  38. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  39. Network Topology
  40. Project Loon
  41. Storage Area Network (SAN)
  42. Hybridoma Technology
  43. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
  44. Cryptocurrency
  45. Handheld Computers
  46. Specialized Structured Svms In Computer Vision
  47. Intel Centrino Mobile Technology
  48. Digital Audio Broadcasting
  49. Screenless Display
  50. Cloud Storage
  51. IP Telephony
  52. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
  53. Strata Flash Memory
  54. Gaming Consoles
  55. The Qnx Real-Time Operating System
  56. High Performance DSP Architectures
  57. Wardriving
  58. Tamper Resistance
  59. MiniDisc system
  60. XBOX 360 System
  61. Single Photo Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT)
  62. Tactile Interfaces For Small Touch Screen
  63. D-Blast
  64. Cooperative Linux
  65. Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB
  66. Synchronous Optical Networking
  67. Virtual Keyboard Typing
  68. Optical Networking and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
  69. Driving Optical Network Evolution
  70. Low Energy Efficient Wireless Communication Network Design
  71. Hyper-Threading technology
  72. Money Pad The Future Wallet
  73. Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
  74. Goal-line technology
  75. Security And Privacy In Social Networks
  76. Yii Framework
  77. Digital Preservation
  78. Optical Storage Technology
  79. Nvidia Tesla Personal Supercomputer
  80. Dynamic Cache Management Technique
  81. Real-Time Task Scheduling
  82. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  83. Conditional Access System
  84. Project Oxygen
  85. Big Data To Avoid Weather Related Flight Delays
  86. Operating Systems with Asynchronous Chips
  87. Predictive Analysis
  88. Keil C
  89. Sandbox (computer security)
  90. Network Address Translation
  91. Biometrics Based Authentication
  92. Intel Centrino Mobile Technology

Also See: 105+ Technical IEEE Seminar Topics for CSE

Best Seminar Topics for CSE

  1. Google Chrome OS
  2. Google Glass
  3. iPad
  4. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
  5. Java Ring
  6. Jini Technology
  7. LAMP Technology
  8. Mind Reading
  9. Meta Search Engine
  10. Nanotechnology
  11. Network Security
  12. Operating System
  13. Podcast
  14. Restful Web Services
  15. Robotics
  16. SDLC  (Software Development life cycle)
  17. Sixth Sense Technology
  18. Software Reuse
  19. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  20. Steganography
  21. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  22. SNMP
  23. Tidal Energy
  24. UNIX Operating System
  25. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  26. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  27. WIMAX
  28. Wibree
  29. Wearable Computing
  30. Zigbee
  31. Holographic Memory
  32. Data Storage On Fingernail
  33. Green Computing
  34. Conditional Access System
  35. IP Telephony
  36. Universal Serial Bus (USB)
  37. Computer Networks
  38. Agile Methodology
  39. Parts of a Computer
  40. Digital Preservation
  41. Human Area Network Technology
  42. Smart Dustbins for Smart Cities
  43. Open Graphics Library (Open Gl)
  44. Elastic Quotas
  45. Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (Jstl)
  46. Mobile Computing Framework
  47. Zenoss Core
  48. Smart Pixel Arrays
  49. Local Multipoint Distribution Service
  50. Nano Computing
  51. Quantum Cryptography
  52. Cyborgs
  53. Anonymous Communication
  54. EyePhone
  55. NFC and Future
  56. Cluster Computing
  57. Fog Computing
  58. Intel Core I9 Processor
  59. Python Libraries for Data Science
  60. Google Project Loon
  61. 64-Bit Computing
  62. Holographic Versatile Disc (Hvd)
  63. CloudDrops
  64. Virtual Instrumentation
  65. 3G-vs-WiFi Interferometric Modulator (IMOD)
  66. Compositional Adaptation
  67. Wireless Networked Digital Devices
  68. Helium Drives
  69. Param 10000
  70. Palm Operating System
  71. Clayodor
  72. Meteor Burst Communication
  73. Cyberterrorism
  74. Location-Aware Computing
  75. Programming Using Mono Software
  76. Utility Fog
  77. Terrestrial Trunked Radio
  78. Blockchain Technology
  79. Exterminator
  80. Internet Telephony Policy in INDIA
  81. Voice Portals
  82. Futex
  83. The Callpaper Concept
  84. Google cloud computing (GCP)
  85. Web Scraping
  86. Edge Computing
  87. Compact peripheral component interconnect
  88. Health Technology
  89. 3D-Doctor
  90. Smart Card-Based Prepaid Electricity System
  91. Phase Change Memory – PCM
  92. Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction
  93. Wireless Chargers (Inductive charging)
  94. Bluetooth V2.1
  95. Virtual Surgery

Also See: 200+ Paper Presentation Topics For CSE

Seminar Topics for BCA, MSC (Computer Science) and M-Tech

  1. Free net
  2. Genetic Engineering
  3. Grid Computing
  4. Optical Coherence Tomography
  5. Google Wave
  6. Wireless Fidelity(WiFi)
  7. Satrack
  8. Online Voting System
  9. Daknet
  10. Big Data
  11. Digital Jewellery
  12. Random Access Memory (RAM)
  13. Quantum Computing
  14. Digital Cinema
  15. Kerberos
  16. ATM
  17. Java
  18. Polymer Memory
  19. Rover Technology
  20. E-Paper Technology
  21. Hurd
  22. Image Processing
  23. Online/Internet Marketing
  24. AJAX
  25. Google App Engine
  26. Tripwire
  27. Computer Virus
  28. Virus and Anti Viruses
  29. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  30. Gi-Fi Technology
  31. Mobile Jammer
  32. X-MAX Technology
  33. Smart Grid
  34. Space Mouse
  35. Diamond Chip
  36. Linux Operating Systems
  37. Web Services on Mobile Platform
  38. Smart Memories
  39. Client Server Architecture
  40. Biometric Authentication Technology
  41. Smart Fabrics
  42. 3D Internet
  43. Bio-metrics
  44. Dual Core Processor
  45. Wireless Mark-up Language (WML)
  46. Transactional Memory
  47. Visible light communication
  49. Eye Tracking Technology
  50. Confidential Data Storage and Deletion
  51. USB Microphone
  52. Pivothead video recording sunglasses
  53. Slammer Worm
  54. XML Encryption
  55. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
  56. Integer Fast Fourier Transform
  57. Extensible Stylesheet Language
  58. Free Space Laser Communications
  59. AC Performance Of Nanoelectronics
  60. Graphical Password Authentication
  61. Infinite Dimensional Vector Space
  62. Near Field Communication(NFC)
  63. Holographic versetail disc
  64. SyncML
  65. Efficeon Processor
  66. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)
  67. Dynamic TCP Connection Elapsing
  68. Symbian Mobile Operating System
  69. Artificial Passenger
  70. RESTful Web Services
  71. E-Mine
  72. Google Chrome Laptop or Chrome Book
  73. Focused Web Crawling for E-Learning Content
  74. Tango technology
  75. Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment
  76. Place Reminder
  77. Encrypted Hard Disks
  78. Bacterio-Rhodopsin Memory
  79. Zettabyte file System (ZFS)
  80. Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP
  81. Teleportation
  82. Digital twin (DT)
  83. Apache Cassandra
  84. Microsoft Hololens
  85. Digital Currency
  86. Intrusion Tolerance
  87. Finger Reader
  88. DNA digital data storage
  89. Pixie Dust
  90. Spatial computing
  91. Linux Kernel 2.6
  92. Mesh Radio
  93. Packet Sniffers
  94. Personal Digital Assistant
  95. Hybridoma Technology
  96. TeleKinect
  97. Dynamic TCP Connecting Elapsing
  98. Hyper Transport Technology
  99. iDEN
  100. Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
  101. Natural Language Processing
  102. Self Defending Networks
  103. Palladium
  104. Optical Burst Switching
  105. Y2K38
  106. Pervasive Computing
  107. iSphere

Top 10 Seminar topics for CSE

1. Embedded Systems

An embedded system can be called a combination of hardware and software that created for a particular function in a system. Some major locations of an embedded system are household appliances, medical devices, industrial machines, vending machines, mobile devices, and many more.

2. Digital Signature

A digital signature can be called an electronic signature used for guaranteeing the authenticity of a digital document. It is a very useful technique that mainly used for validating authenticity along with integrating certain software, a message or a document.

3. 3D Internet

3D Internet is a next level and advanced method where two powerful technologies- the Internet and 3D graphics are combined. The main purpose of this ultra-level technique is providing realistic 3D graphics with the help of internet. Also known as Virtual Worlds, this interactive and engaging system is used by top organizations like Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, etc.

4. Generations of Computer

The generations of computers are the advancement in technology that has resulted in creating lots of computer equipment over the years. There are five generations of computers that include vacuum tubes, transistors, microprocessors, artificial intelligence, and microprocessors.

5. Blue Eyes Technology

Blue Eyes is an advanced technology that created with a mission to develop computational machines with sensory powers. There is a non-obtrusive sensing technique used by this technology with the use of latest video cameras and microphones. In simple words, it is a machine that understands the requirements of users and what he/she needs to see.

6. History of Computers

Many people believe that computers arrived in the business world in the 19th century, but the reality is the world computer first used in 1613. The earliest form of computers was the tally stick that was just an old memory used for writing numbers and messages. Since then, there are tons of revolutions that resulted in this business that results in the creation of present-day computers.

7. Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials are the chemical materials that are processed at a minimum dimension, i.e., 1-100nm. They are developed naturally and possess physical as well as chemical properties. These materials are used in a variety of industries are cosmetics, healthcare, and sports among others.

8. Search Engine

A search engine is an online software whose main purpose is searching a database having details regarding the query of the user. There is a complete list of results matching perfectly to the query provided by this software. Google is the best example of a search engine.

9. Firewall

Firewall is security equipment whose main aim is having an eye on the incoming and outgoing traffic in the network. Furthermore, it allows or block data packets according to rules set by the security. In a simple definition, we will say it is created for creating a bridge of internet network & incoming traffic with external sources like the internet.

10. DNA Computing

DNA Computing is a method of computations with the help of biological molecules. This technique doesn’t use basic silicon chips that are quite common in other computation processes. It was invented by American Computer scientist Leonard Adleman in 1994 and displayed the way molecules can be utilized for solving computational issues.

List of Latest Technologies in Computer Science

  1. Plan 9 Operating System
  2. FeTRAM: A New Idea to Replace Flash Memory
  3. Cloud drive
  4. PON Topologies
  5. Digital Scent Technology
  6. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
  7. Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
  8. Cryptography Technology
  9. Sense-Response Applications
  10. Blade Servers
  11. Revolutions Per Minute, RPM
  12. Secure Shell
  13. VoiceXML
  14. Ovonic Unified Memory (OUM)
  15. Facebook Thrift
  16. Chameleon Chip
  17. Wiimote Whiteboard
  18. Scrum Methodology
  19. liquid cooling system
  20. Smart Client Application Development Using .Net
  21. Child Safety Wearable Device
  22. Tizen Operating System – One OS For Everything
  23. Surround Systems
  24. Trustworthy Computing
  25. Design and Analysis of Algoritms
  26. Digital Media Broadcasting
  27. Socks – Protocol (Proxy Server)
  28. HTAM
  29. Transient Stability Assessment Using Neural Networks
  30. Ubiquitous Computing
  31. MPEG-7
  32. Data Mining
  33. Snapdragon Processors
  34. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (Dccp)
  35. Graph Separators
  36. Facebook Digital Currency – Diem (Libra)
  37. Design And Implementation Of A Wireless Remote
  38. A Plan For No Spam
  39. Quantum machine learning
  40. Diamond Chip
  41. Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing
  42. Image Guided Therapy (IGT)
  43. Distributed Operating Systems
  44. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplplexing
  45. Cryptocurrency
  46. Idma – The Future Of Wireless Technology
  47. Shingled Magnetic Recording
  48. Intel MMX Technology
  49. Data Scraping
  50. Itanium Processor
  51. Social Impacts Of Information Technology
  52. Digital Video Editing
  53. Wolfram Alpha
  54. Brain computer interface
  55. HelioSeal Technology
  56. JOOMLA and CMS
  57. WebAuthn
  58. Intelligent Cache System
  59. Structured Cabling
  60. Deep Learning
  61. Ethical Hacking on Hacktivism
  62. Wine
  63. Data-Activated Replication Object Communications (DAROC)
  64. Strata flash Memory
  65. Controller Area Network (CAN bus)
  66. USB Type-C – USB 3.1
  67. LWIP
  68. Goal-line technology
  69. InfiniBand

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