MASS COMMUNICATION PROJECT TOPICS: Get mass communication project topics and materials on broadcasting, advertisement, public relations, social media and hnd for students.
Mass communication is the technique of presenting and changing facts via mass media to huge segments of the population. It is typically understood for referring to diverse kinds of media, as its technology are used for the dissemination of facts, of which journalism and advertising are part. Mass communique differs from different sorts of conversation, together with interpersonal conversation and organizational conversation, as it makes a speciality of unique assets transmitting facts to numerous receivers. The observe of mass conversation is mainly worried with how the content of mass communique persuades or in any other case influences the behavior, the attitude, opinion, or emotion of the humans receiving the facts. So here is the list of mass communication project topics.
Also See: EVS Project Topics
- Influence of information and communication technology (ict) on radio news reporting (a survey study of Atlantic fm, uyo)
- Influence of billboard advertising
- The roles of public relation in crisis management
- Effect of information and communication technology in banking
- Influence of public relations on customers’ satisfaction
- Influence of ict on modern day practice of broadcasts journalism
- Listener ship level and perception of federal university of technology minna campus radio program (a case study of listeners in minna)
- Role of radio in propagating yoruba culture
- The impact of social media on modern journalism practices in nigeria
- Influence of media credibility on news consumption among civil servants
- Role of public relations in enhancing peace in higher institutions
- Roles of print media in creating awareness against drug abuse
- The influence of sms political advertising (messages) on voting pattern of electorates in the 2015 governorship election
- Social media advertising and its influence on audience preference of similar product
- The Nigeria press and ethics of journalism profession
- The impact of radio on political participation
- Relevance of public relations in health institutions
- A study on the social effect of advertising on the nigerian students
- Influence of ownership on media credibility: A study of ebonyi broadcasting corporation, (ebbc), abakaliki
- The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of Nigeria news media a study of the news agency of nigeria (nan)
- Evaluation of awareness and utilization of the freedom of information act, 2011, by broadcast journalists’ in kogi state
- Uyo metropolis audience perception of nta 12, uyo news commercialization
- An assessment of business reporting in daily independent and the pioneer newspaper from january 2016 to january 2017
- Impact of information and communication technologies
- Impact of awareness of media campaign on drug abuse among undergraduates
- Impact of awareness of media campaign on drug abuse among undergraduates
- Opinion leaders influence on voters decision in ikot ekpene during the 2015 general election
- Impact of computer on the practice of journalism (a case study of akwa ibom broadcasting cooperation, uyo)
- Influence of akbc — radio programme “market guide” On listeners in uyo local government area
- The influence of government policies on broadcasting
31. Radio advocacy and the campaign against kidnapping in rivers state
32.. Societal impact of corruption in the journalism practices
33. Impact of mass media in nigeria in political campaigns
34. Delta state university students perception on online newspaper
35. The role of mass media in crisis management in Nigeria
36. Television broadcasting, reality tv shows and moral development of Nigeria youths
37. Effects of ownership pattern and the editorial content of Nigerian newspapers
38. Broadcast deregulation and efficient information dissemination in nigeria
39. Effectiveness of mass media in sensitizing against human trafficking in nigeria
40. A content analysis of the punch and sun newspapers reportage of crime in nigeria
41. An analysis of media ownership and the credibility of news reporting in nigeria
42. An analytical study of newspaper paper reportage in combating national security problem
43. An assessment of broadcast media role in mobilizing women for political participation
44.an assessment of community newspaper in the promotion of cultural heritage in nigeria
45.an assessment of mass media and the management of human rights in nigeria
46.an assessment of photographs and cartoons as communication instruments a study of the guardian newspaper
47. An assessment of political advertising on electorates in the 2015 presidential election
48.an assessment of readers perception of the importance and role of cartoons in nigeria newspaper
49.an assessment of students response to television reality programmes
50. An assessment of television in political development of rural areas in nigeria
51.an assessment of the broadcast media campaign against drugs abuse in nigeria
52.an assessment of the print media in the promotion of the roll back malaria campaign in nigeria
53.an assessment of the broadcast media in the campaign against child labour and human trafficking in nigeria
54. An assessment of the effectiveness of newspaper coverage of kidnapping in nigeria comparative study of the punch and daily vanguard
55. An assessment of the print media in awareness campaign of lassa fever in nigeria
56. An assessment of the print media in creating awareness campaign on lassa fever in nigeria
57. An assessment of the print media in the promotion of sports developmnt in nigeria
58. An assessment of the print media in the campaign against drug abuse in nigeria
59. An assessment of the public relations strategies of rebranding the nigeria police force
60. Assessment of broadcast media role in mobilizing women for political participation
61. Audience perception and opinion formation on the potency of print media
62. Audience perception of print media in curmbing corruption in nigeria
63. Broadcasters assessment of problems and prospects in migration from analogue to digital broadcasting platform
64. Community journalism and the challenges of rural reporting in nigeria
65. Modern journalism practice and the quest for professionalism among journalism
66. The relationship between animated commercials and the buying habit of audience members
67. Prospect and challenges of media management in nigeria
68. Public perception of newspaper coverage of ebola epidemic outbreak in nigeria
69. Readers perception of the effectiveness of the print media in the creation of awareness against breast cancer a study punch newspaper
70. Readers perception of the role of print media in sports development in nigeria
71. Readers perception of the use of photograph in reenforcement of newspaper message
72. The challenges confronting privately owned media stations in a democratic dispensation in nigeria
73. The challenges facing nigeria television in switching to digital broadcasting in nigeria
74. The effect of information and communication on technology in broadcast media
75. The guardian and the nation newspapers coverage of development issues
76. The impact of social networking on tourism development
77. The impact of western television programme on the cultural value of nigeria youths
78. The implication of national broadcasting commission rules and regulation on africa independent television
79. The influence of nigeria mass media on political campaign
80. The influence of online journalism on revenue generation of nigeria news media study of the news agency of nigeria (nan)
81. a critical assessment of nta integration program ( a case study of nta uyo)
82. an assessment of the role of the mass media in re-branding nigeria (a case study of nta, channel 12, uyo)
83. analysis of challenges facing freedom of information in nigeria
84. attitude of nigerians to the role of mass media in the enthronement of democracy since 1999
85. challenges of the freedom of information bill to the broadcast media ( a case study of nta uyo)
86. constitutional justification for press freedom in nigeria
87. effect of news commercialization on the content of private media
88. effect of tv adverts on children
89. effectiveness of advertising tools for successful marketing of mtn products
90. effects of mass media on yoruba culture and tradition
91. effects of violent television programmes on nigerian youths
92. effects on internet on news media professionalism, mindset and buzzword
93. hazards and prospects of journalism in nigeria
94. impact of print media asindices of sports development in nigeria (a case study of sun newspaper)
95. impact of radio and television campaign against cultism in nigeria
96. impact of social media on consumer behavior
97. libel and the media
98. mass media and the coverage of human right issue in nigeria
99. problem and prospect of media management in nigeria.
100. problems and prospect of online investigative journalism in mass media
101. problems and prospects of government owned broadcasting media in nigeria
102. radio listenership pattern among market women in nigeria
103. role of media in emerging democracy
104. the comparative analysis of osun state broadcasting corporation, osbc osogbo and gold fm ilesa programs
105. the effect of commercial news on the ethics of journalism
106. the effect of new communication and information technology on radio broadcasting in nigeria
107. the effect of phone-in programs in sensitizing the electorates
108. the effect of private media houses on nigeria economy
109. the effect of social media on the practice of public relations
110. the effects of commercialization on the contents of private media
111. the role of television in electoral education in nigeria ( a case study of nta uyo)
112. the role of mass media as a tool for public enlightenment in achieving the millennium development goals (mdgs)
113. radio listenership pattern among market women (a case study of gbaji market women, ibadan and obada women market, iree)
114. assessment of the role of mass media in rebranding nigeria
115. influence of community radio in agricultural development in enugu state
116. the attitude of female mass communication students towards journalism as a career,
117. television as a tool for national integration (a case study of n.t.a kaduna)
118. positive effects of mass media and technology on the upbringing of children
119. mass media and the coverage of human right issue in nigeria
120. critical appraisal of the role of national broadcasting commission (nbc) in controlling the performance of broadcast industry in nigeria
121. appraisal of the impact of opinion leaders in information dissemination
122. the prospects and problems of private radio broadcast media in nigeria (a case study of splash f.m 105.5, ibadan)
123. the impact of advertising on the development of the media (a case study of the punch newspaper, lagos)
124. the effect of new communication and information technology on radio broadcasting in nigeria (a case study of splash f.m 105.5 mokola hill ibadan)
125. an assessment of mass medias role in the campaign against drug abuse in nigeria
126. a critical evaluation of the impact of digitalization on broadcasting media
127. the impact of social media on the students polytechnic – case study of iree, osun state.
128. the role of the radio in propagating culture in nigeria
129. effects of mass media on yoruba culture and tradition
130. problems and prospects of government owned broadcasting media in nigeria
131. the effects of advertising on company’s profitability [a case study of yinka oba foam and paints ilesha]
132. impact of social media on consumer buying behavior
133. communication: The key in effective public relation (a case study of daar communication limited) (ait/ray power)
134. communication as indispensable tool for effective administration
135. the impact of advertising on consumer buying behaviour
136. the role of broadcast media in achieving vision 20:20:20
137. challenges of the freedom of information bill to the broadcast media (case study of nta, uyo )
138. the impact of internet on newspaper production
139. the role of the press in the free and fair election
140. the role of newspaper vendor in the newspaper process
141. analysis of challenges facing freedom of information in nigeria
142. an appraisal of nigeria media as instrument of eradicating corruption in nigeria (case study of nta effect on obasanjo’s anti- corruption crusade)
143. challenges facing the media organisation in dissemination of information( a case study of nta )
144. newspaper coverage of drug abuse in nigeria a study three selected news papers
145. newspaper readership pattern among nigerian youths. (a case study of imt students)
146. the attitude of female mass communication students towards journalism as a career, in nnamdi azikiwe university awka
147. the effect of advertising on consumer preference patterns for malt drinks in enugu metropolis (a comparative study of guinness malta and amstel malta)
148. the impact of news commentaries on radio listeners (a case study of federal radio corporation of nigeria enugu)
149. the impact of reportorial techniques on reading audience of akwa ibom broadcasting corporation (akbc) uyo, akwa ibom state
150. the influence of western television programmes on the cultural values of nigeria youths
151. the press in nigerian politics: Analysis of issues and patterns of news coverage
152. the role of mass media in crisis resolution
153. the role of media in the management of environmental health issues in nigera
154. the role of punch newspaper in creating awareness against drug abuse (a case study of selected residents in lagos nigeria)
155. the role of radio and television in rural development
156. the role of radio broadcasting in the rural development (a case study of esbs(radio) enugu)
157. the role of radio in mobilizing nigerian women into politics
158. the use of state broadcast media as propaganda machinery by state government
159. challenges of managing private owned media house ( a case study of private media houses in uyo)
160. copyright infringement in nigeria and challenges in a digital world
161. information technology and services delivery (a case study of tertiary hospital in rivers state)
162. the effects of tv adverts on children (a case study of enugu urban)
163. prospects and challenges of campus broadcast stations in nigeria: A case study of unique 88.5 fm
164. a critical evaluation of impact of digital broadcasting on electronic media (a study of ait)
165. impact of social media in managing brand reputation in crisiss
166. the impact of television advertising of household products on consumers brand preference
167. the role of social media in electioneering campaign, a study of 2011 presidential election in nigeria
168. an investigation into the menace of kidnapping in nigeria and the report effectiveness of the press (a case study of the punch and guardian newspapers)
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