Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Seminar PDF Report and PPT
Common Gateway Interface Seminar and PPT with PDF Report: There are some common uses of CGI such as assembling user feedback about a product line through an HTML form and Querying an Oracle database and rendering the result as an HTML document.This page contains Common Gateway Interface Seminar and PPT with pdf report.
Common Gateway Interface Seminar PDF Report and PPT
The need for Data Storage
In general, the goal of any commercial application program is the manipulation of relevant data. In order to achieve this, the programming environment shoukd be able to store that data for future use.
In Perl programs data is stored in variables. Each variable has a name and can store any type of data. Each variable name in a Perl program begins with a special character.
- a dollar ($) sign
- an at (@) sign or
- a percent (%) sign
The special character donetes the variable type. The three types of variables are as follows.
- Scalar Variables
- Indexed Array Variables
- Associative Array Variables
Scalar Variables
What is Scalar Variable?
Scalar Variables are the most basic form of data containers in Perl. It can reference a string value or a numeric value. Even though Perl treats strings and numbers with almost the same trgard, there is a definite visible difference between the two.
What are the major applications of Common Gateway Interface?
Have a look at the main Common Gateway Interface applications below:
- It is mainly used as a gateway for a legacy information system because this system is an agreement between server implementers.
- This system work as a traditional method in a web server for passing a request to an application program.
Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Common Gateway Interface
Introduction of CGI
- The Definition
- Web Browsing
- Architecture of CGI
- How does CGI works
- Preparing CGI for work
- —Introduction to Perl
- —The Module
- —Pattern Matching
- —Arrays
- —Dealing With Files In PERL
- —Basic HTML
- —What is
- —Communicating with databases
- —Sending mail with Perl CGI Scripts
Here we are giving you Common Gateway Interface Seminar and PPT with PDF report. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it.
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Common Gateway Interface pdf Report Free Download
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