Protein Structures PPT: Definition and Levels
Protein Structures PPT: Definition and Levels Free Download: Condensation of amino acids to form peptide bonds forms a protein structure. There are four types of protein structures- primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. Primary structure is the sequence of amino acids, secondary are the dihedral angles of the peptide bonds, tertiary structure is the folding of protein chains in the space, and finally the association of polypeptide molecules to complex functional proteins forms the quaternary structure.
Protein Structures PPT: Definition and Levels
Further, there are two types of proteins- fibrous and globular. Fibrous proteins are insoluble chains of proteins that run parallel to each other and are held by hydrogen or disulfide bonds. Globular are water soluble and are formed when the chains coin around to give a spherical structure.
Table of Content
- Definition
- Introduction
- Levels of protein structure
- Structural domain
- Protein structure determination
- Protein structure databases
- Conclusion
Protein Structures PPT: Definition and Levels Seminar TopicsProtein Structures PPT: Definition and Levels Free Download: Condensation of amino acids to form peptide bonds forms a protein structure. There are four types of protein structures- primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. Primary structure is the sequence of amino acids, secondary are the dihedral angles of the peptide bonds,...Sumit ThakurSumit Thakursumitsssrt@gmail.comAdministratorI am an Indian Blogger. I am passionate about blogging. If you want to ask me anything about blogging then feel free to ask 🙂StudyMafia
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