Heart PPT: Definition, Functions and Conditions Free Download: The heart is typically a muscular organ in mammals.Blood is pumped by this organ through the circulatory system’s blood arteries. The blood that is pumped around the body supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body, while also transporting metabolic waste like carbon dioxide to the lungs. [2] The human heart is situated in the centre of the chest, between the lungs, and is roughly the size of a closed fist.

Heart PPT: Definition, Functions and Conditions

The heart is made up of four chambers in humans, other mammals, and birds: upper left and right atria, and bottom left and right ventricles. The right atrium and ventricle are frequently referred to as the right heart, whereas their equivalents on the left are referred to as the left heart.

Table of Content

  • Definition
  • Introduction
  • Functions of Heart
  • How Heart Works?
  • Anatomy of the Heart
  • Conditions Affect the Heart
  • How to keep Heart Healthy?
  • Conclusion

Heart PPT: Definition, Functions and Conditions

Sumit ThakurGeneral Seminar TopicsHeart PPT: Definition, Functions and Conditions Free Download: The heart is typically a muscular organ in mammals.Blood is pumped by this organ through the circulatory system's blood arteries. The blood that is pumped around the body supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body, while also transporting metabolic waste like...