Value Analysis Seminar Report, PPT and PDF: We have given here Application of value analysis. They are Capital goods – plant, equipment, machinery, tools, etc, Raw and semi-processed material, including fuel, Materials handling and transportation costs, Purchased parts, components, sub-assemblies, etc, Maintenance, repairs, and operational items, Finishing items such as paints, oils, varnishes, etc, Packing materials and packaging, Printing and Stationery items, Miscellaneous items of regular consumptions and Power, water supply, air, steam & other utilities (services).

Value Analysis Seminar Report, PPT and PDF

Objectives of value analysis

  • To provide better value to a product/service.
  • To improve the company’s competitive position.
  • To verify that every element of Cost (
    • Labour
    • Materials
    • Suppliers and service )
    • contribute equally to the

Steps carrying value analysis

  • Create the objectives (eg, cost reduction).
  • Examine a team for marketing, sales, production, purchasing, etc.
  • Analyse the production process of the supplier company.
  • Decompose various characteristics of purchased product.
  • Hold a innovative brainstorming session to explore all alternative possibilities.
  • Sort the ideas to create the cost of each.
  • Select the best alternative.
  • Develop a plan for executing the change.

Techniques of Value Analysis


Also See: Business Environment PPT with PDF Report

Benefits to be achieved by value analysis

  • Better purchasing techniques
  • Better suppliers & constructing methods
  • Lower operating costs
  • Standardisation & re-evaluation
  • Substitution & packaging
  • Better material handling
  • Better inventory control
  • Lower maintenance & overhead cost

Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Value Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • Why is it used?
  • When is it used?
  • Application of value analysis
  • Objectives of value analysis
  • How Does It Work?
  • The Value Analysis Process
  • Benefits to be achieved by value analysis
  • Conclusion

References Here we are giving you Value Analysis Seminar and PPT with PDF report. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it.

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Sumit ThakurMBAValue Analysis Seminar Report, PPT and PDF: We have given here Application of value analysis. They are Capital goods – plant, equipment, machinery, tools, etc, Raw and semi-processed material, including fuel, Materials handling and transportation costs, Purchased parts, components, sub-assemblies, etc, Maintenance, repairs, and operational items, Finishing items such...