Urinary Catheterisation PPT: Definition, Types and Risks
Urinary Catheterisation PPT: Definition, Types and Risks Free Download: Urinary catheterisation is a process used to empty the bladder and acquire urine, via a bendy tube known as a catheter. Urinary catheters are commonly inserted via way of means of docs or nurses in hospital or the community.
Also See: Urinary Bladder PPT
Urinary Catheterisation PPT: Definition, Types and Risks
They can both be inserted via the tube that contains urine out of the bladder (urethral catheter) or via a small beginning made on your decrease tummy (suprapubic catheter). The catheter commonly stays withinside the bladder, permitting urine to flow via it and right into a drainage bag. Depending at the kind of catheter you’ve got got and why itโs being used, the catheter can be removed after some minutes, hours or days, or it can be wanted for the lengthy time period.
Also See: Urinary Tract Infection PPT
Table of Content
- Definition
- Introduction
- Why Urinary Catheters are used?
- Types of Urinary Catheter
- Care After Urinary catheter
- Risks of Urinary Catheter
- Conclusion
Free Download Link
https://studymafia.org/urinary-catheterisation-ppt/MedicalUrinary Catheterisation PPT: Definition, Types and Risks Free Download: Urinary catheterisation is a process used to empty the bladder and acquire urine, via a bendy tube known as a catheter. Urinary catheters are commonly inserted via way of means of docs or nurses in hospital or the community. Also See:...Sumit ThakurSumit Thakursumitsssrt@gmail.comAdministratorI am an Indian Blogger. I am passionate about blogging. If you want to ask me anything about blogging then feel free to ask ๐StudyMafia

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