Turner Syndrome PPT: Definition, Symptoms, Risk-Factors and Treatment
Turner Syndrome PPT: Definition, Symptoms, Risk-Factors and Treatment Free Download: A missing or partially deleted X chromosome causes Turner syndrome, a condition that mostly affects females. Turner syndrome can result in a wide range of medical and developmental problems, such as short stature, ovarian failure, and heart defects.
Turner Syndrome PPT: Definition, Symptoms, Risk-Factors and Treatment
Turner syndrome can be identified during pregnancy, during infancy, or in the early years of life. Sometimes the diagnosis of Turner syndrome in girls with minor indications and symptoms is not made until the teen or young adult years.
Turner syndrome patients need constant medical treatment from a range of specialists. The majority of girls and women may enjoy healthy, independent lives with regular examinations and the right treatment.
Table of Content
- Definition
- Introduction
- Symptoms of Turner syndrome
- Causes of Turner syndrome
- Risk-Factors of Turner syndrome
- Complications of Turner syndrome
- Treatment of Turner syndrome
- Conclusion
Turner Syndrome PPT: Definition, Symptoms, Risk-Factors and Treatment
https://studymafia.org/turner-syndrome-ppt/General Seminar TopicsTurner Syndrome PPT: Definition, Symptoms, Risk-Factors and Treatment Free Download: A missing or partially deleted X chromosome causes Turner syndrome, a condition that mostly affects females. Turner syndrome can result in a wide range of medical and developmental problems, such as short stature, ovarian failure, and heart defects.Turner Syndrome...Sumit ThakurSumit Thakursumitsssrt@gmail.comAdministratorI am an Indian Blogger. I am passionate about blogging. If you want to ask me anything about blogging then feel free to ask 🙂StudyMafia
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