Market Segmentation PPT: Definition, Types, Importance and Mistakes
Market Segmentation PPT: Definition, Types, Importance and Mistakes Free Download: Market segmentation in marketing is the division of prospective customers into groups or segments with comparable needs and reactions to marketing efforts. Market segmentation enables companies to target different client groups that have different perspectives on the overall value of a given commodity or service.
Market Segmentation PPT: Definition, Types, Importance and Mistakes
Three factors can typically be used by businesses to distinguish between various market segments:
Within a section, homogeneity or shared requirements
differentiating oneself from other people or organisations
market response, or an equivalent response
For instance, a company that sells athletic footwear might have market segments for long-distance runners and basketball players. Basketball players and marathon runners react to commercials very differently as separate groups.
Table of Content
- Definition
- Introduction
- Types of Marketing Segmentation
- Importance of Marketing Segmentation
- Mistakes of Marketing Segmentation
- Implementation of Marketing Segmentation
- Conclusion
Market Segmentation PPT: Definition, Types, Importance and Mistakes Seminar TopicsMarket Segmentation PPT: Definition, Types, Importance and Mistakes Free Download: Market segmentation in marketing is the division of prospective customers into groups or segments with comparable needs and reactions to marketing efforts. Market segmentation enables companies to target different client groups that have different perspectives on the overall value...Sumit ThakurSumit Thakursumitsssrt@gmail.comAdministratorI am an Indian Blogger. I am passionate about blogging. If you want to ask me anything about blogging then feel free to ask 🙂StudyMafia
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