Fishbone Diagram | PowerPoint Presentation | PDF
Fishbone Diagram | PowerPoint Presentation | PDF:
What is Fishbone Diagram?
The Fishbone Diagram is a well-known visualization tool for the potential reasons for a problem are categorized so that its root cause can be identified. It is also known as the Ishikawa diagram and cause or effect diagram. This diagram was created by a Japanese quality control expert with the name Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. His main motive behind creating it was to assist the employees so that the bigger problems can be addressed.
Fishbone Diagram | PowerPoint Presentation | PDF
What do you need to know about the fishbone diagram?
There are certain things that you need to know about the fishbone diagram about which you should know. In this diagram, the head of the fish is crafted as the defect with facing to the right. The causes start from the right and extend towards the left are known as the fishbones. On the other hand, the major causes are written in the ribs of the backbone, whereas the sub-branches are leveled for the root causes.
This concept was first utilized during the 1920s and become popular as one of the seven basic tools in the quality control. The reason it is given the name of the fishbone diagram is due to its shape that is the same as the fish skeleton’s side view. This diagram was used in the creation of Miata sports car by the Mazda Motors.
How can a fishbone diagram be created?
There are certain steps involved in creating a fish diagram that we have explained below:
- Firstly, there is a need for creating a head having all the issues or problems that required to be studied. Followed that, you have to develop a backbone for the fish. It will be like the straight line that reaching head.
- In this step, you have to find out at least four reasons due to which problem can occur. You also need to connect these four reasons with the arrows that reach the spine. The first bones of the fish will be created in this step.
- Analyse all the causes for documenting those things that are the resultof the cause. The 5 Whys or any different questioning approach can be used for making sure the conversation stay focused.
- You need to follow it for all the causes until the root cause will be
What are the categorizing sources of variation?
There are plenty of reasons for the variation, but they only fall in some specific categories mentioned below:
- Methodologies- In this categories, the requirement for rules, regulations, policies, or procedures are considered or making ensure the quality stay consistent.
- Machinery- It can be anything ranging from computers, assembly tools or even computer systems.
- Materials- This category consists of the materials that are required for developing a solid quality product. You can’t overlook this category at all.
- Measurements- It is the method the process is measured and monitored for calculating quality?
- The Environment- It consists of all the things outside the control of the organization that may affect the results.
All these categories have an equal amount of importance in the fishbone diagram.
Content of the Seminar and PDF Fishbone Diagram
- What is Fishbone Diagram?
- The Fishbone Diagram
- Major Causes By Categories
- The CE Process
- Constructing The Diagram
Sample Fishbone Diagram Here we are giving you Fishbone Diagram Seminar and PPT with PDF. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it.
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