Cerebrovascular Accident PPT: Definition, Types, Prevention and Treatment Free Download: The medical name for a stroke is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). A stroke occurs when a blockage or blood vessel rupture prevents blood flow to a portion of your brain. A cerebrovascular event, often known as a stroke, can occur in two basic ways: A blockage causes an ischemic stroke, whereas a blood vessel rupture causes a hemorrhagic stroke. Both kinds of strokes deprive a portion of the brain of blood and oxygen, which results in the death of brain cells. Symptoms of a stroke include:

Cerebrovascular Accident PPT: Definition, Types, Prevention and Treatment

having trouble walking


loss of coordination and balance

an unexpected headache, especially one that is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or light-headedness

Table of Content

  • Definition
  • Introduction
  • Types of Cerebrovascular accident 
  • Prevention of Cerebrovascular accident
  • Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular accident 
  • Treatment of Cerebrovascular accident 
  • Conclusion

Cerebrovascular Accident PPT: Definition, Types, Prevention and Treatment

Sumit ThakurGeneral Seminar TopicsCerebrovascular Accident PPT: Definition, Types, Prevention and Treatment Free Download: The medical name for a stroke is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). A stroke occurs when a blockage or blood vessel rupture prevents blood flow to a portion of your brain. A cerebrovascular event, often known as a stroke, can...