Optical Coherence Tomography ppt Seminar with pdf report: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a basically new type of optical imaging technique. This page contains Embedded Systems Seminar and PPT with pdf report.

Also See: Electrical Engineering(EEE) Seminar Topics

Optical Coherence Tomography PPT Seminar and pdf Report

Advantage of OCT

  • Broad dynamic range,
  • High resolution
  • Rapid data acquisition rate,
  • Small inexpensive catheter/endoscope design
  • Compact portable structure


  • Penetration: 2-3mm Ideal: 4mm
  • Resolution :

     Catheter/endoscope based image: 10μm, noncatheter: 4 μm,

  1. femtosecond laser is expensive (1 μm)
  2. Transverse resolution needs to be like to axial resolution, below 10 μm need short confocal parameter which upshots in the focus falling off quickly.
  • Acquisition rate: <10franes/second
  • Lack of large-scale clinical trials

Also See: Physics Project Topics For class 12 and Ideas


  • Imalux Corporation: leader
  • potential of OCT marketing is $2.5 billion in annual revenue
  • OCT will result in a multi-application manufacture similar to the path taken by ultrasound.
  • Markets of gastroenterology, urology, and gynecology represent revenue potential of $781 million.

Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Optical Coherence Tomography PPT

  • Introduction
  • What is OCT
  • Advantage of OCT
  • Nowadays and future equipment
  • Needle for OCT
  • OCT in Nontransparent Tissue
  • OCT application
  • Limitation
  • Future works
  • Underway work
  • Extention and application of OCT
  • Market
  • Conclusion
  • References

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Sumit ThakurChemistryOptical Coherence Tomography ppt Seminar with pdf report: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a basically new type of optical imaging technique. This page contains Embedded Systems Seminar and PPT with pdf report.Also See: Electrical Engineering(EEE) Seminar Topics Optical Coherence Tomography PPT Seminar and pdf Report Advantage of OCTBroad dynamic range, ...