Also See: Respiration PPT

Mechanism Of Respiration PPT: Definition, Inspiration and Expiration Free Download: The process whereby we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide is known as Respiration. To understand its mechanism, we need to break the entire process into small steps. Oxygen is inhaled through the respiratory airways and it transports from the nasal cavaties to pharynx to trachea to bronchioles and eventually to the alveoli that is the site of exchange of gas.

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Mechanism Of Respiration PPT: Definition, Inspiration and Expiration

The main function of respiration is to obtain oxygen for the body’s cells that is carried through the blood from the lungs to all the parts of the body. Then the blood returns carbon dioxide as a residual product from the cells and carries them back to the lungs where through alveoli it is again exchanged for fresh oxygen.

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Mechanism Of Respiration PPT

Sumit ThakurMedicalAlso See: Respiration PPT Mechanism Of Respiration PPT: Definition, Inspiration and Expiration Free Download: The process whereby we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide is known as Respiration. To understand its mechanism, we need to break the entire process into small steps. Oxygen is inhaled through the respiratory airways and...