Chromosomes Structure PPT: Definition, Types and Functions Free Download: Chromosomes are thread-like systems present withinside the nucleus, which contains genetic facts from one era to another. They play a essential position in cell division, heredity, variation, mutation, restore and regeneration.

Chromosomes Structure PPT: Definition, Types and Functions

In Eukaryotic cells, genetic cloth is present withinside the nucleus in chromosomes, that is made from noticeably prepared DNA molecules with histone proteins helping its structure. The quantity of chromosomes in any species is regular for all of the cells. The quantity of chromosomes in gametes (e.g. sperms, egg) is 1/2 of of the somatic mobileular and called a haploid set of chromosomes, that is the end result of meiosis at some stage in sexual reproduction.

Table of Content

  • Definition
  • Introduction
  • Discovery of Chromosomes
  • Chromosomes Structure
  • Types of Chromosomes
  • Function of Chromosomes
  • Conclusion

Chromosomes Structure PPT: Definition, Types and Functions

Sumit ThakurGeneral Seminar TopicsChromosomes Structure PPT: Definition, Types and Functions Free Download: Chromosomes are thread-like systems present withinside the nucleus, which contains genetic facts from one era to another. They play a essential position in cell division, heredity, variation, mutation, restore and regeneration.Chromosomes Structure PPT: Definition, Types and FunctionsIn Eukaryotic cells,...