Biometric Security System PPT Presentation Seminar with PDF Report: Biometrics = bios + metron. Bios means life and metron means measure. Recognizing humans based on physical and behavioral traits, Also called BEHAVIOMETRICS.

Also See: Biometric Authentication Technology PPT with PDF Report

Biometric Security System Seminar PDF Report and PPT

Classification of BIOMETRICS

Physiological are related to the shape of the body.

Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person.

Cognitive biometrics is based upon brain responses to stimuli.

Factors for determining characteristics of biometrics

  • Universality: Each person should have the characteristic
  • Uniqueness is how well the biometric separates individually from another.
  • Permanence measures how well a biometric resists aging.
  • Collectability: Ease of acquisition for measurement.
  • Performance: Accuracy, speed, and robustness of technology used.
  • Acceptability: Degree of approval of a technology.
  • Circumvention: Ease of use of a substitute.

Also See: Biometrics Seminar and PPT with pdf report

The Future of biometric

  • Some hospitals use biometric systems to make sure mothers take home the right newborns
  • More accurate home-use systems
  • Opt-in club memberships, frequent buyer programs and rapid checkout systems with biometric security

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Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Biometric Security System PPT

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Classification of BIOMETRICS
  • Odor and Scent cognitive systems
  • Facial cognitive systems
  • Performance cognitive systems
  • Handwriting recognition
  • Factors for determining characteristics
  • Functions of biometric systems
  • The Future
  • Reference

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Sumit ThakurCSE SeminarsBiometric Security System PPT Presentation Seminar with PDF Report: Biometrics = bios + metron. Bios means life and metron means measure. Recognizing humans based on physical and behavioral traits, Also called BEHAVIOMETRICS.Also See: Biometric Authentication Technology PPT with PDF Report Biometric Security System Seminar PDF Report and PPT Classification of BIOMETRICS Physiological...